Strata, a 25-story speculative office tower, would be located in Kansas City’s Power & Light District and designed to attract potential new private employers.
Copaken Brooks and Ron Jury of Jury & Associates will participate with H&R Block in leading the development of the new multi-tenant building, the first in Kansas City’s downtown in more than 28 years, with HOK’s Kansas City studio and BNIM as the architects.
A 25-story tower that would be the first multi-tenant office building built downtown since 1991 is being proposed for the block southwest of 13th and Main in the Power & Light District.
The $132 million project, called Strata, would be located on what’s called Block 124, and would be built above the existing retail structure that includes The Yard House restaurant and Joseph A. Bank clothing store.
If it wins the necessary city approval, construction would begin in the fall 2019 with completion in fall 2021. The existing retailers would continue operating throughout construction.
The 250,000 square-foot Strata tower would include a rooftop terrace. It’s being designed by BNIM and HOK architects, and J.E. Dunn Construction would be the contractor.